PREMIERE: (T-T)b’s Slimy Quagmire EP


There’s something nice to be said about video games, garage punk and the comforting fact that indoors-y-ness is here for the winter. Whatever that joint “something” may be, the local trio (T-T)b says it in their new EP Slimy Quagmire, which drops December 2 on Play it Loud! Records

The six chip-tune tracks fly by quickly, much like the group’s songwriting this time around. Guitarist Joey Dussault threw together the music in a number of weeks and wasted no time with the recording process. “It was probably the hottest day in August and we were in this converted mechanics garage with no AC,” Dussault told us of their studio session this summer. “So, we just tried to track as fast as possible and not die.”

With catchy whining guitar riffs, LVL UP-like mood, and bit-tune intervals, (T-T)b’s sound is car music for your Nintendo 64 racetrack vehicle (whether you’re winning or driving backwards for the sake of showing how hilarious and hopeless you are.) Like a favorite Mario Kartâ„¢ course, Slimy Quagmire is something you’ll play on repeat. Give it a listen below, and then, give it another.