Allston Pudding’s Favorite Albums of 2016 [50-21]

There are two things our staff can agree on: 1. 2016 sucked but 2. 2016 was one of the best years for music yet, especially outside our normal scope of indie rock. Hip hop and R&B thrived this year with perfect releases from some of our old favorites like Frank Ocean, Chance the Rapper, Kanye West and BeyoncĂ©. As always, we bring you our Hot Takes of the state of music in 2016 riddled with our favorite snoozy folk/hostile hardcore local albums of the year. With 2017 on the horizon, we look back positively at the great art that was created this year and the support the DIY and local scene has had for each other in the wake of the many tragedies this year. Community comes first in Allston Pudding, Boston, and in DIY as a whole. We hope you can curl up with these albums and remember all the good times this year. Then prepare yourself for the inevitable battle we have ahead in 2017.

-Christine Varriale, Editor-In-Chief

*=Local (CW: Nudity below)

We wanted to take a moment to appreciate some of the local albums that just nearly got bumped out of our top 50. Here are our honorable mentions:

50. Young Thug, Jeffrey

49. Yeesh, Confirmation Bias

48. Sunflower Bean, Human Ceremony

47. Florist, The Birds Outside Sang

46. Rihanna, Anti

45. Andy Shauf, The Party

44. Oompa, November 3rd*

43. Kid Mountain, Trinkles*

42. Kaytranada, 99.9%

41. Fakear, Animal