Shannon and the Clams and Delicate Steve at Royale

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Shannon and the Clams rolled through Boston last week, making sure to stop by the Royale on the way. Touring their recently released sixth studio album Year of the Spider, the band performed to a rowdy crowd that seemed eager to play off of the Clams. Working their way through their discography on stage, the band played recent favorites “Do I Wanna Stay?”, “All Of My Cryin'” and the title track “Year of the Spider”.

Despite admitting to losing her voice early in the set, Shannon Shaw still managed to command the room with her rich vocal. Shaw would play off of bandmate Cody Blanchard, who would also take command on several songs. Will Sprott played the keys and Christopher Icasiano played the drums, filling in for Nate Mahan. 

However, before Shannon and the Clams would even take the stage, concertgoers were treated to a spectacular opening set courtesy of New Jersey based Delicate Steve. The solo project of Steve Marion, Steve quickly had the whole room in the palm of their hand with some good old fashioned guitar shredding, funky guitar riffs and a memorable performance on the drums from Rosie Slater. One of those opening sets that I wouldn’t have minded seeing go on longer. 

Shannon and the Clams continue touring into the midwest before wrapping up this leg with a stop in Austin on October 30th. For more information on the tour and more click here.