BLINDED BY THE PSYCH: Boogarins & Atlantic Thrills & The Televibes & Gymshorts: 8/14, Church of Boston

by Tyler Burdwood Illegally Blind put on a great show last week and we want you to know about it. Gymshorts, winning most-punk and most-jumping, played a fluid opening set. Their fast songs were interrupted by the occasional slow-motion breakdown, which saw Sarah Greenwell switching from shriek to guttural growl. Sharp, surfy guitar leads rang […]

Boston Music Awards Nominations Are Out!

By Jennifer Usovicz We are super excited to announce that we are nominated for Best Music Blog at the Boston Music Awards! You can vote for the awards NOW here! Congrats to staff photographer (and homie) Ben Stas for getting nominated for Best Live Music Photographer for the 2015 Boston Music Awards! Ben Stas, aside […]