Bands Ask, Bands Answer: BUFU Fest Pt. 3

Krill (Boston, MA)


Ian Medford posed questions for Aaron Ratoff of Krill

Ian Medford: If you could be any 50 Cent song, which would it be?

Aaron Ratoff: I think I would be “Magic Stick.” I think that song is supposed to be explicitly sexual, and yeah, I guess it is. But if you were going to be something it would be cool to be magical. I would like to gain magical powers from becoming a 50 Cent song.

IM: Tell me about your worst hair day.

AR: There was one time in high school when I had really long hair. If I grow my hair it grows up and out rather than down, like a Jew-fro. I straightened it after it had been growing out for a very long time and I looked exactly like the Geico caveman. It’s not a good look. I don’t think there was anything I could do about it at the time. I couldn’t un-do it!

IM: What’s your favorite texture?

AR: That’s a good question. Rice pudding. It’s an interesting texture and it tastes good. It’s like you’re being welcomed into it. There’s a lot happening in it, I’m going with rice pudding.