Car Seat Headrest at House of Blues Boston
Ironically, it was a case of Covid amongst, tour opener, Bartees Strange’s crew, that led to Car Seat Headrest’s Will Toledo taking a peek out from behind his now normal on-stage mask and the band delivering perhaps an even more special show to their fans Saturday night in Boston. CSH band members effectively became their own openers with short solo sets in addition to live interpretive painting taking place to accompany the music.

Will Toledo and Andrew Katz of Car Seat Headrest
Drummer Andrew Katz began the show with some background that he and the band had a new appreciation for modern art after a visit the previous day to MASS MoCA in North Adams, MA before performing at the museum later that evening. He announced that he’d be creating pieces during this impromptu set that would be sold at the merch table after the show. Some excited fans attempted to throw money to the stage in an effort to enter some early bids but after some of that money was tucked down Katz’ shirt, it was unclear if that message was received, or another.
Guitarist Ethan Ives took the stage with a noticeably fresh Telecaster strapped across his body (shelf tag dangling from the headstock) and performed several of his songs from Toy Bastards, shyly announcing he had been demanded to share that albums from said project were available at the merch tables in the distance. Lead singer, Will Toledo, came to the stage next to perform a few songs he’s written that exist outside of the Car Seat Headrest’s catalogue as well as handling an online request or two. Toledo noted that “Sober to Death” had been requested quite extensively and he did not disappoint. It should be noted that Andrew Katz had been painting on-stage through the entirety of the performances so far.
Saturday’s special opening set came to a fan-friendly blowout when Toledo took over painting duties as Katz went into several numbers by 1 Trait Danger – Katz’ and Toledo’s somewhat-to-fully satirical EDM side project. Laughs, shouts, and attempted art sales continued as this fun improv wrapped up.

Car Seat Headrest takes the stage in Boston
When Car Seat Headrest proper took the stage, events shifted into a new gear. Toledo, donning light up mask, thanked the crowd for a chance to “transform his body” and with that, the quiet, subdued singer seen 20 min earlier opening his own set was gone. Pulsing lights, pumping fists, and exuberant dancing took over as Toledo and crew ran through a healthy mix of songs from their more recent Making A Door Less Open and previous albums in their repertoire.
The show ebbed and flowed, sometimes reaching softer places, but ultimately returning to a place of energy and celebration. The crowd, very well-masked, celebrated the band they loved, celebrated the songs they sang along to, and celebrated being comfortable letting go and being yourself. The crowd swayed and jumped in time with the riffs and flashing bulbs behind the band, moving as one fuzzy wave as the band journeyed through their set.
Smiles shone big all night and while the night certainly held some unexpected turns, anyone who waited in a long rainy line and showed up expecting a good time from Car Seat Headrest left happy and fulfilled.
Snake Song [Solo performance by Ethan, Toy Bastard song]
Unknown [Solo performance by Ethan, New unreleased Toy Bastard song]
The Bell Jar [Solo performance by Will, Nervous Young Men song]
Pomegranate Trees in July [Solo performance by Will, Nervous Young Men song]
Sober to Death [Solo performance by Will]
Unique [Solo performance by Andrew, 1 Trait Danger song]
Back Up (He’s the Man) [Performance by Andrew and Will, 1 Trait Danger song]
Fill in the Blank
Hymn – Remix
1937 State Park
Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales
It’s My Child (I’ll Do What I Like) [Toy Bastard song]
Destroyed by Hippie Powers
Can’t Cool Me Down [“Vincent” bridge/outro]
Beach Life-In-Death
Deadlines (Hostile)
Thanks Setlist.fm.