A Javelin is a spear designed primarily to be thrown, but it’s also a duo from NY and LA who just released their debut album, Hi Beams, on March 5th via Luaka Bop. We were so keen on figuring out what makes them tick, that we asked Tom Van Buskirk, exactly one half of the duo, to let us in on some of his favorite shit. Check it out, and definitely check out their show on March 19th at Great Scott.

Favorite shit to do when you’re bored:
Zizek lectures on youtube

Favorite board game:

Favorite kind of snack:
Chips or chocolate
Favorite album of 2013 so far:
I’m still on 2012
Favorite fucking ice cream flavor:
My favorite ice cream to fuck with is non-dairy based coconut ice cream because other brands get too sticky
What color do u like?:
Aqua blue/green
Favorite stop on a tour in America:
Thrift stores
Favorite place to eat pancakes:
The Modern Diner, Pawtucket RI
Favorite song to listen whilst getting pumped:
“Hit The North” The Fall
Favorite person in the world:
My Mom