Help Revolution of Hope Fund Music Education


“Something about music urges us to engage with its larger context, beyond the piece of plastic it came on-it seems to be part of our genetic makeup that we can be so deeply moved by this art form. Music resonates in so many parts of the brain that we can’t conceive of it being an isolated thing.” 

– David Byrne, How Music Works


Music is powerful. It transcends beyond just hearing a song and can change your life. All over the United States, music programs for our youth are cut to make room for subjects like math and science to increase standardized test scores. Music teachers are looking for a different way to continue their education, and Revolution of Hope is doing just that.

Revolution of Hope is a music for social change initiative in Roxbury that helps transform the lives of inner-city youths by giving them confidence, endurance, and resilience through a joy-filled, intensive, conservatory-level music program. They’re currently working towards a new fund, the Paul B. Hunter Teaching Artist Development Fund, to provide free education to New England music for social change teachers to develop their teaching process.

You can help Revolution of Hope reach their goal of $8,000 by donating to their Indiegogo campaign. For donating, you get a thank you in their program for each session.

For more information and to get connected with Revolution of Hope, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.