
Most people would be kinda bummed out about a rainy day. The snack-packs in Sun Club were loving it down in Baltimore last week: they seized the opportunity to practice before their tour supporting Thumpers, which brings them to Great Scott in Boston tomorrow night. Their last EP, Dad Claps at the Mom Prom, is a happy, dance-y, smart rock’n’roll record that has left everyone highly anticipating their next big release. They took some time before hitting up Chipotle for lunch that day to talk to Allston Pudding about their love affair with Boston and their childhood achievements.


Allston Pudding: How would you compare Baltimore to Boston?

Shane McCord (guitar): Boston is one of our favorite places in the world. Boston’s more house related, with places in JP and Allston.  There’s a few cool small venues like TTs. So when we play there it’s either at a house or one of those venues. In Baltimore, there are more warehouse spaces and the venues aren’t as official. They’re small and run really loosely, so that makes them kind of awesome in that sense. Fan-base-wise, people in Baltimore are our friends and we know who they are. But in Boston, a lot of people at our shows are people I don’t know which is cool.

AP: And I heard you were considering going to college here in Boston?

Shane: Yeah, I was accepted to Emerson but then I decided I didn’t want to go to school so I deferred for a little bit and then I finally told them I wasn’t going. This was the first year I hadn’t really been in school and it was amazing to spend time traveling and being in the band.

AP: I also hear you’re working on new music. Is it going to be a full length?

Shane: Yeah! We’re recording a full length album. Today we scheduled recording time… for October! We’re just finishing up writing it and we want to record as much as possible so we have a lot to pick from. We’re doing it with the same dudes that we did our EP with so it should be good.


Then Shane passed the phone around to other members of the band to weigh in on the hard-hitting questions:


AP: Do you have a karaoke song?

Adam Shane (bass): “The Thong Song.” That was the first thing that came to my head. It was my anthem growing up. I know it verbatim.

Mikey Powers (vocals/guitar): I hate karaoke.

AP: Well, think of it this way: what song would you like to sing in front of other people, besides one of your own songs?

Mikey: “Pictures of You” by The Cure. But I want everyone to know that I don’t like karaoke. I mean, I like when other people do it, I just don’t like when I do it.

Kory Johnson (keyboard/percussion): That’s really hard. Some Tom Waits song. The one that’s coming to mind is “Jockey Full of Bourbon.” It’s really groovy and I like the song a lot. It makes me feel classy.

Devin McCord (drums): Fergalicious. Y’know, by Fergie. It’s a great little number and it gets me boppin’ up and down and I know most of the words. The default you’d think would be “My Humps,” but it’s not. It’s Fergalicious. It reminds me of being young and just hitting puberty and all those changes and going to middle school parties.


AP: Did you guys get any trophies as kids and what were they for?

Shane: Devin is my brother so I’ll answer for him, too. We got a lot of soccer ones, but just for participating. Also swimming trophies for the same reason. Basketball maybe, but that was probably our sister. Honestly, the soccer ones might have all been our sister too.

Kory: I got best BB Gun shooter at cub scout camp in third grade. Lots of pinewood derby awards and soccer trophies, too. I also got second place in viola. I used to play viola, but the thing about playing viola in middle school and high school is there’s only like three viola players… so I don’t know what that means. I should pick it up again.

AP: If I hear viola on the new Sun Club record I’ll be really excited.

Kory: Ok! You’ve inspired me.

Adam: I got best bassist twice from our high school battle of the bands.

Mikey: I’ve never won anything. I almost won third place in the turtle derby but they gave it to the wrong person. I was the wrong person. I had to give it back. I was like seven years old.


AP: Anything else you want to add?

Adam: They’re putting me on the spot right now. I usually have something to say, but I guess you can put down, why does the rainforest have to be so wet all the time? I never signed up for that. Also, we will always be 100% supporters of Chipotle.

Shane: Do you want us to get you anything at Chipotle and save it for when we see you in Boston?

AP: Y’know, that’s alright I’ll pass. Thank you though!

Shane: I’ll probably end up eating it myself anyway.


See Sun Club open for Thumpers at Great Scott on 8/29. It’s only like a few bucks. Find out more at