Local Acts Explain What Made Mean Creek so Special

bent shapes

Andy Sadoway – Bent Shapes

Years ago, I played drums in Mean Creek, during the “Around The Bend” days.  Playing with Chris and Aurore and Mean Creek was extremely influential to me as a musician; their way of crafting emotionally-fueled songs with drastic dynamics completely changed how I approached the drums. They taught me how to play the highs really high and the lows really low. I learned what it felt like to get off stage and be completely out of breath!

One of my favorite memories of Chris was when he dropped his guitar on his headstock (ouch!) in order to dive into my drumset at the end of my last show with Mean Creek. I hope your guitar is okay, Chris, and that it serves you many more years of writing. Best of luck to all the Mean Creekers and wherever music takes them next!