Input Provided by Pete Bayko
Way To Deal with Heartache / Break Up:
I don’t really have a certain strategy or anything to deal with heartbreak or a break-up, but I’ve noticed some things that seems to happen naturally when dealing with one or the other. Almost immediately I develop an extreme sensitivity to sunlight, which can only be resolved by staying in my bedroom as much as possible and nailing heavy blankets over the windows. Usually my eyes will start to become irritated (most likely because of all the dust in my room) and they will start to leak some sort of liquid out of my tear ducts at an impressive rate. The only cure for that I’ve found is to bury my face in my pillow and moan while a mixture of tears, boogers and drool make a perfect Rorschach test looking image on the pillow. After a few days one or all of my roommates will knock on the door complaining about the constant voice yelling things like “why?” and “this hurts so bad”. Once I get off the phone with my Mom I’ll leave my room for first time in a few days, get some ice cream and watch the TV, which for some reason is only playing romantic movies. After I finish all of the ice cream one of my roommates will ask “Where’s your girlfriend?” which will remind me how nice it was back in room. I guess to answer the question in short, I don’t deal well with a break-up.
Advice for People Who are Heartbroken:
Try to avoid thinking of the person. Don’t call or text them. Don’t go on facebook to look at their status or look at old pictures with them. Basically, as awful as it feels cut off all ties to the said ex. If any of this is too difficult to manage just drink beer or smoke weed or do both, also when was the last time you had a good acid trip?
Favorite Love Related Song:
Either Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable” or Puddle of Mudd’s “She Fuckin Hates Me”.
Irreplaceable – Beyonce
She Fuckin Hates Me – Puddle of Mudd