Way To Deal with Heartache / Break Up:
Sam: I’ve often been the one that breaks up with the other person, which I think makes for different coping mechanisms than if you were dumped/rejected.
Breaking: usually immerse myself in books or music to completely distract myself from thinking about the person or situation while also avoiding my phone almost entirely.
Broken: fetal position with the lights off for weeks.
Chris: Uh, beer and ice cream(?).
Advice for People Who are Heartbroken:
Sam: I don’t have a lot of great advice. The only thing that really “fixes” it is time. Distancing yourself from the whole thing. Even if you never feel normal again the further away it gets the easier it is to feel good about your new weird self.
Chris: Whiskey and ice cream.
Favorite Love Related Song:
Love songs usually make me feel embarrassed. They don’t stick on me or in my mind as favorites. Unless it’s with a twist. Or twisted. There are definitely love songs I enjoy but nothin’ comes to mind really.
While there are some superb songs – even love songs – about substances/imbibing, I do, well, LUV a good love song. Many ‘60s Top 40 love songs, particularly from British Invasion bands, are just so cheesy, sappy, and GOOD. However, since the common theme of your inquires has been heartbreak, I think I’d rather mention a couple of my favorite ANTI-LOVE SONGS. I used to have a ’66 garage-style radio show at my college, and around Valentines Day I’d always assemble a playlist of some of my favorite anti-love songs!
One of my favorite, most heartbreaking songs is the Searchers’ 1964 version of “Needles And Pins.” Having said this, I find the best version of it to be the Ramones cover off of Road To Ruin. In the Searchers version, the playing and vocal delivery are both pretty upbeat, whereas the Ramones version is, believe it or not, slightly slower, and Joey’s super dynamic vocals just tear at yr little heartstrings!
Another favorite anti-love song of mine was written by not only my favorite bands from Boston, but one of my favorite bands of all time: The Remains! Their tune “Why Do I Cry” really has it all when it comes to a great song. If you don’t know it, just go listen to it already (and be sure to catch the original lineup that record the “Why Do I Cry” 45rpm single the next time they rock Allston)!
A Few other thematically-related favorites are “It’s All Over Now” by the Stones, “I’ll Feel A Whole Lot Better” by the Byrds, Nico’s “These Days.” “Who Loves The Sun” by the Velvets, “Ever Fallen In Love” by Buzzcocks, “Agony” by the Muffs, and the Descendents’ “Everything Sucks.” Now, if that if that ain’t some heartbroken cry-into-your-beer (or ice cream!) music, I don’t know what is (except for A LOT of great old timey and country-western)!
Needles & Pins – The Ramones
Why Do I Cry – The Remains