Mal Blum Plays “Pity Boy” in Full for Boston

In spite of Boston’s temperamental weather, swapping between uncomfortably warm and pouring rain, fans crowded into Great Scott last week to see Mal Blum. Supporting them for the night was fellow Don Giovanni artist, Evan Greer, whose opening set featured many songs from her recent release, she/her/they/them. By the end of her performance, she’d led the audience through multiple folk punk sing-alongs, shared funny anecdotes, and bantered with the crowd, all of which helped to start the show off on a high note.

Mal Blum started the night by playing their latest album, Pity Boy, in full, giving fans a unique opportunity to hear the new record cover-to-cover in a live setting. And despite only having been released earlier that month, the crowd was more than prepared to sing along. Highlights from their set included the energetic “See Me” and “Things Still Left to Say,” as well as the album’s closing track “Maybe I’ll Wait.” After playing through Pity Boy, the band remained on stage for an encore performance, closing out with “New Year’s Eve.”

See below for photos from the show (in order: Mal Blum and Evan Greer):