Margaret Glaspy Gets Back To The Sinclair


On Saturday, September 30, Margaret Glaspy returned to her old stomping grounds in Cambridge. She played The Sinclair in support of her third LP, Echo The Diamond.

The evening’s opener was Tasha, who played a bare-bones set showcasing her sweet voice to the early arrivals.

Margaret Glaspy entered the stage with her band and eased into a performance highlighting Echo The Diamond with her authentically raw style of rock. She played the entire new album but also covers of Alanis Morissette and Lucinda Williams and a healthy portion of her first album Emotions and Math for a throwback-heavy setlist. Glaspy took some time between songs to note her roots in the Boston area, as a performer, a previous student at the Berklee College of Music, and a former resident. Even if Margaret Glaspy no longer calls the area home, she received the warm welcome back she deserved from the audience at The Sinclair.

Margaret Glaspy with Tasha at The Sinclair (9/30/23)