New Tredici Bacci Track Released 10/21


Tredici Bacci put out a new song today. What is Tredici Bacci? Wrong question.

Correct question: What isn’t Tredici Bacci?

It’s dance-able, powerful, hypnotic, energetic folk orchestral polka punk music with its roots in Italy, but its current addresses in Boston.

Their new song, Cadenza, has a generic title: the word has Italian/musical origins, referring to a particularly brilliant or difficult passage in a piece of music that’s often improvised. Blah blah blah.

This song itself is a cadenza, you might say: it reminds me of improvised elevator muzak, or really groovy interlude music for a Quintin Tarantino film or something.

I hope to one day be on the phone with with a rent a puppy company and when they put me on hold, this song plays.

Or, if I’m in an elevator with Vin Diesel and a miniature horse, and a wonderful Italian grandmother comes in with a plate of freshly baked pizzeles, I hope this song plays as we get to the next stop.

Until then, check it out below, and ask your neighbor where and when Tredici Bacci is playing their next show around here.