Ohio State Fair Gets One on the Board

Ohio State Fair press photo
Ohio State Fair shot by Zoe Hopper

Boston shoegaze concern Ohio State Fair have been on our radar for quite some time. Armed with a killer live set and unconventional musical interplay (those shimmering “guitar” tendrils floating over the top are actually an omnichord synth run through pedals), the four-piece has been gathering some serious buzz around town despite having exactly zero songs to their name officially out. Today that has thankfully changed. Ohio State Fair recently claimed on stage that “Last Time” is not only their first single, but also the very first song they wrote together as a group. A tense slow-burner that gradually build and builds towards a towering outro, fronter Natasha Kafi’s voice rises from a gravelly bellow to a piercing and emotionally-stirring shout while those billowing synth strings ring out just right.

Hit the stream on “Last Time” below.

“Last Time” is out now. Ohio State Fair plays as part of Allston Pudding x handhold‘s Spring Concert Series at Zone 3 on Thursday, May 22nd. The show is free and all ages, but you can RSVP right here.