Old Abram Brown (EP Release), ABADABAD, Kid Mountain at GS (4/10)


Spring is on its way and Allston Pudding and TRON management are teaming up to bring that’s fresher than April showers AND May flowers. So stuff your sadness in a sack and come party at Great Scott on Wednesday! To let all of your Facebook friends know that you’re going so that they can go too, click here

Remember how much of a monster mamma jam “Restless Ghosts” was? Well Old Abram Brown is about to blow doors down with a new self-titled EP due out April 16th. To help them celebrate, why not come strut your stuff to their savory rock n roll power? These dudes have always been known to get down and dirty in the live setting, enough so that they released a live album and everyone was like “That was LIVE? Shit, I couldn’t even tell because it was so gnarly.” Experience this and thank me later.

ABADABAD is one of the best bands to vibe to, and you’d know this if you’ve ever vibed to them live. Sometimes they’ll hit you with a nice reverby dreampop love song, then they’ll wanna see their fans shake it a lil’ so they it you with this groovy surf rock jam. Word has it they’ve been cookin up some tasty new stuff at the Converse Rubber Tracks studio in NYC, so expect some new flavor that you can go home and tell your friends about.

These dudes played Allston Pudding’s mixtape release show last month and shit popped off in such a big way. Their latest album Happies has been a killer jump onto the Boston scene for these guys, but seeing them play live is like a whole new dimension of kickass. If you’ve slept on Kid Mountain until now, you seriously need to come shake off your dud status and turn it into stud status.

8 bucks