Pile // Artist Profile + New Unreleased Single Premiere

Usually when I’m assigned to write simple blurbs for musicians they come pretty easily. I highlight their personality, cialis demeanor, and of course, how it ties into their music. However, presenting Richard Maguire from Pile isn’t quite that simple.

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Before heading to Rick’s studio space in the Museum of Sound in Allston (where I later found out he’s spent the last 5 and a half years meticulously practicing, recording most of Pile’s albums, as well as generally messing around with friends and other musicians- look to the shot of the back of the door for reference) I was intimidated and had no idea of what to expect from Rick. I had been a long time fan of Pile for some time now and only knew the band had a sort of legendary veteran status that was especially strong in Boston (Rick’s hometown). With a lot of these brilliant musicians- their mystery becomes sort of enigmatic- a lot of the time in a pretentious way.

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However, upon shaking hands with Rick all those notions dissipated. He was really kind, easy going, and let me into the intimate space of his recording studio with open arms. Upon walking in I casually was introduced to Shane of Karl Marks and felt simply apart of the conversation. And this shoot was just that- a conversation.

“They say ‘don’t meet your heroes’ but that’s not necessarily the case with Rick.”

At one point I even felt bad filming Rick’s every motion. The truth is, in the most humbling way, Rick was visibly uncomfortable on camera talking about himself. And after filming some pretty standard, stock interview questions I had to put away the camera and just enjoy the moment as Rick laughed about his love for the band Ween and deep admiration for comedians, Maron and Louie C.K. They say ‘don’t meet your heroes’ but that’s not necessarily the case with Rick. The guy is just human and it makes his music that much more impactful. I left the video session both feeling so fulfilled yet asking only more questions and thanks to Rick, I’m okay with that.

Enjoy our exclusive interview with Rick and his unreleased song, “Rope’s Length”, set to appear on the newest upcoming Pile album.