Playlist – Scott Stapp’s Favorite Music Videos

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I love music videos almost as much as I love Jesus, so when Allston Pudding asked me to compile a list of my top five all-time favorite videos, I was happy to oblige. Check them out below. And then watch a few more times to let the true greatness sink in.

Scott Stapp – “Slow Suicide”

When the record label told me that I could start the video with an image of a quote from one of my songs, I was overjoyed. Not to belittle the impact a video can have, but it’s all about the lyrics when you’re listening to Scott Stapp. Really powerful stuff, man. In fact, from here on out, my strategy is to just make lyric videos.

Creed – “My Sacrifice”

I get a bit choked up every time I see this video. We released it right after the September 11th attacks, and it really became a symbol of  American perseverance and helped people came together during that difficult time. I like to think that our performance here really helped heal a nation. Also, I like the fact that I got to show off my huge biceps while rowing that boat.

Creed – “With Arms Wide Open”

There’s a very strong message behind this video, and a lot of fans think it is about my son. I had just learned that I was going to become a father when I wrote this song, but actually it has nothing to do with that.

It’s about how fans around the world welcomed us into their hearts and made us the biggest band in the world. The fact that we perform the song on top of a mountain represents our ascent to worldwide fame. It’s pretty simple actually, not sure why so many people totally missed the point.

 Creed – “One Last Breath”

This video really broke the mold for music videos, and really for cinematography as a whole. If you can believe it, those were not real mountains we were standing on, they 1/5 scale models that were build specifically for the shoot. So they were still about 200 feet tall, and that fall in the middle of the video was pretty frightening, but when you have God on your side, a 200ft fall is really not a big deal.

ThreeBaruchs Youtube video – “Creed’s Lead Singer Scott Stapp Refuses To Sell Out His Faith Amidst Great Pressure To Do So!”

The title pretty much says it all man – I’m just keeping the faith