Premiere: Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion!’s “Satan’s Invisible World…Revealed!”


In anticipation of Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion‘s upcoming debut LP, Blood Drinkers Only, Allston Pudding is premiering the album’s first single – “Satan’s Invisible World…Revealed!”  The local instrumental horror-surf-rock band has been quiet of late after their first three projects, but their new album is definitely one to look forward to. It comes in perfect timing as well, as the halfway point of summer is here, and sunny guitar tones are still in style. “Satan’s” is great stuff, and the group’s enthusiasm definitely bleeds through their mysteriousness.  Blood Drinkers Only is out in September on Scorpi-O-Tone Recordings.  For now, you can look forward to their show at Great Scott on August 3rd alongside Spirit Kid and pow wow!, and bump “Satan’s Invisible World…Revealed!” below.