Premiere: Salty Greyhound Has “Found U”

With their EP Birds on the way this month, a full length to be released in the spring, and more music videos in the works, it’s shaping up to be a landmark year for local art-rock group Salty Greyhound.

By combining fuzzed-out guitars, musical saws, violins, and seemingly anything else that might be on hand, Salty Greyhound gives an indie twist to Boston’s rich tradition of theatrical bands,(see The Dresden Dolls, Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys.) Like a school play about to get shut down by the PTA, a Salty Greyhound performance comes with a guarantee of baby doll parts, fake blood, and cat heads. And as you can see from their Allston Pudding Session they aren’t afraid to get creative and all out weird with their visuals.

In keeping with their goth arts-and-crafts aesthetics,“Found U” was animated by band leaders Alex Judd and Maria Cueno. We caught up with them to talk about their collaborative process, how they landed on a smattering of octopi, skulls, and dogs for the visuals, and their new EP, Birds, out February 8th.

You both worked on animating the video, right? How did you split up the work?

Maria would draw the outlines and I would color in the frames. I’m not very into drawing things but I love coloring things in. I also had the plan of having each “image” have motion through moving colors with a still image.

Throughout the video we see drawings of different animals and objects including a dog, a skull, and an octopus. How did you land on these visuals?

It was mostly a process of me asking Maria, “What’s something cool and interesting we could draw?” Dogs, skulls, and sea creatures are mostly what we like to draw, anyway. We had probably 4-5 drawings that we didn’t use because they weren’t interesting enough or just weren’t executed well. I noticed that we also chose to keep things that made us laugh!

This is the first single off of your new EP Birds. What can we expect from the rest of the release?

The rest of the songs are pretty different from each other. I’m excited that these songs were recorded mostly live. It’s really a mixtape of songs that didn’t make it onto our next album- either because they didn’t share the same vibe as the rest of the songs or we weren’t able to pull together studio-quality recordings in time.

Watch “Found U” below and catch Salty Greyhound’s new EP Birds, out February 8th on Dog’s Mouth Recordings.