(right click and ‘Save Link As’ to download)
From the basements of Allston, Vundabar build a pretty massive wall of sounds considering there are only two parts to their band. The combination of the hollow blues-punk guitar tone of Brandon Hagen and the attack drumming style of Drew McDonald makes for a locked up grooves with a playfully scummy sheen. Their debut album, Antics, will be released next week, but you can hear a track from it right now. “Greenland” maintains the band’s caffeinated pace, but with a lightly aggressive and bubbly charm. Unlike the lightning-fast punk we’re accustomed to, this track clocks in at four and a half minutes. It doesn’t lose its luster, however, and continues to build on its infectious chorus multiple verses in. It’s a track sure to keep your heart rate heavy, but keeps focus on some skilled attack and release guitar work. You can download the track below, and keep your eyes out for Antics when it drops next week.