PREVIEW: Drenge at Great Scott

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There’s some really cool stuff going on in the UK music scene. A subculture of grunge-influenced, doom-surf, garage-rock music has brought young, up-and-coming bands like The Wytches, Eagulls, and Drenge over here to the US where audiences are familiar with the sounds but still amazed by the ingenuity and twists these musicians put into their songs.

Drenge is the work of Eoin Loveless and Rory Loveless, two brothers based in Sheffield, England, whose first self-titled full length came out in 2013. For being performed and recorded by only two members, Drenge has serious depth: each track is a pounding, punchy expression of rock ‘n roll that messes with form and the listener’s mind, and the album also goes deep in terms of how solid every song is from the beginning of the record to the end.

Their latest album, Undertow (recorded with the addition of their flatmate, Ron Graham, on bass), takes all that and refines it. “Favourite Son” is a track from Undertow that perfectly embodies all of that. But they also show a softer side, on songs like “Standing In The Cold,” and a rambunctious side on songs like “We Can Do What We Want.”

There’s a dark, dry humor in their songs, an irony that hides behind harsh song titles like “I Want to Break You in Half” and “Bloodsports.”

But after talking with singer and guitarist Eoin Loveless, you can tell that humor is something that’s definitely a part of their approach to the band. A lot of that came across in our phone call with Eoin — a phone call that could have only been possible through dark magic because, at times, the connection sounded exactly like what would probably happen if you tried to run a literal phone cable from the UK to the US… which means sometimes this happened:

But it worked out in the end, and we got to know Drenge a little bit better before their show at Great Scott on Saturday. Like Eoin’s favorite part about touring the US:

“I’m a bit of a root beer geek, so whenever I’m in the States I try to drink as much root beer as I can,” says Eoin. “I try to track down the smallest, most locally brewed root beer.”

One of the best parts (because there are many great parts) of their band blog, is their list of influences, which ends with “regrettably, Root Beer.”

Their other influences? It ranges from today’s biggest pop stars like Miley Cyrus, to the very first albums they ever bought by Green Day and blink-182.

“Those records were really catchy, really pop-punk, and I love catchy stuff,” Eoin says. “When I was ten or eleven, those albums were really cool. There was swearing on them and everything!”

You can catch Drenge at Great Scott tomorrow night, 6/13, with Upstate NY rockers Made Violent supporting.