freshairPoster by Mona Maruyama for Boston Hassle

You can celebrate the summer solstice right this Saturday at Ringer Park in Allston. More than a dozen bands will be gracing a set of acoustic and electric stages at Fresh Air, a FREE festival crafted by Boston Hassle. I asked some of the bands playing the festival to help me complete the following Mad Lib.  Frank Hurricane and Tomboy contributed some answers below, but here’s the list in case you wanted to play along first.

1. adjective 10. flavor 18. adjective 26. adjective
2. adjective 11. adjective 19. emotion 27. furniture
3. noun 12. verb 20. city 28. name for a group of animals
4. place 13. verb 21. adjective 29. food
5. verb 14. animal 22. adverb 30. beverage
6. body part 15. verb 23. adjective 31. number
7. adjective 16. adjective 24. body of water 32. article of clothing
8. verb 17. celestial body 25. weather condition 33. exclamation
9. food

Man, are we lubed for Fresh Air in Ringer Park this weekend. Have you seen the horrendous lineup? Boston Hassle really pulled out all the shrimp for this one. If you haven’t seen the lineup yet, here’s a rundown of what to expect:

Hailing from the astral plane, Free Pizza knows how to crap your hand— big time!

So eclectic, electric, and huge, Keith Fullerton Whitman will bring a blend of electronic and acoustic music to the park. He’s pogo-ing all over the world collaborating and experimenting, but will touch down in Allston for Fresh Air this Saturday.

Candy Truck’s favorite food may seem to be rocky mountain oysters, but the music they play is way more spicy than that!

If there was one word to describe Tomboy, it would be fuzzy. If you disagree with me, please kindly trot away.

Whenever I listen to Frank Hurricane, I imagine myself vomiting down a river and talking to badgers. Don’t you? All of those bands and more will be playing the electric stage, so please come prepared to jump.

There’s also an acoustic stage, where you’ll be able to hear the following fat acts performing in the summer black hole:

I’m ready for some songs with gangsta banjo from the Western Masstonians, Frozen Corn.

Their name almost looks like the product of a mad libs game gone wrong (or right?), but Fistful of Nipples are happy — a nice expression of summer in Atlantis.

The two large dudes that make up Homeshopping (Dave Gross and Steve Norton) joined forces for a set that will happily compliment the summer scene this Saturday.

Melodic and antiquated, Pancho the Kid feels like a refreshing jump into a Atlantic Ocean and offers the perfect relief from a sticky summer’s day.

Rob Noyes’ guitar riffs and rags are cloudy, and will keep everyone on the edge of their chifferobe.

Sophie Dickinson’s ambient sounds will mesmerize the flock gathered in Ringer Park.

The festival starts at noon and ends at 6 pm, so bring some blankets, poutine, beer, and all of your friends. It’ll probably be about 69 degrees, so be sure to wear your thong. It’ll be sure to make you say “YO!” and “eek!”

You can get all the real details on the Boston Hassle Fresh Air festival on Facebook.