Preview: New England Zine Fest (8/16)


This one’s for all you Zinesters out there.

Zines can be hard to find. Unlike the ease of an all-encompassing internet, tracking down your favorite mini-mag sans wifi can prove difficult. Even if it means just waiting for the mail.

But alas, dear reader, don’t you fret! This Saturday at Cambridge’s YMCA, The Boston Hassle is throwing their first annual New England Zine Fest! You know what that means: Instant Zine Gratification

Besides tables upon tables of sweet, sweet zines, NE Zine Fest will also include a variety of workshops and skillshares presented by the talented people off Papercut Zine Library and Trifecta Editions. Other artists featured in the fest’s activities include Brian Connolly of Nothing Mattress and Zoárd Wells Tyeklár.

No entry fee here, just bring some cash for all the stuff you’re sure to find.

If you’re unfamiliar with the craft, there’s still something for you! The lovely ladies of The Boston Hassle are running a How-to-Make-a-Zine workshop throughout the fest.

We got in touch with The Hassle’s uber-nice Caitlin Kenney, who told us a bit about NE Zine Fest’s path from idea to glorious reality.

No crazy story as to the evolution of the fest.  The fest came out of a vague idea and one meeting between two friends. Rose Parry, who is in charge of layout for our paper (and helps in a million other ways), and I sat down and shot the shit about what we would want to see at this kind of event and what we thought we could realistically put together with no budget. We wrote down our thoughts and I started reaching out to people.

I have to say the fest that is happening this Saturday is almost identical to our plans from that night, which is pretty incredible considering only a few people put this together. There are few things more empowering than turning your thoughts into something tangible. Which is the same thread that drew us to zines in the first place.  This whole event is about giving attendees the tools to create, to develop their own voice, while offering table space to those who have already taken the initiative to put part of themselves out there.

This is the first event put together by the Art Blast team and a good indicator of what’s to come. 

Caitlin also made a point note that the angels of 1369 Coffeehouse and Flatbread Pizza have donated pizza and coffee to feed the 60+ Vendors and Volunteers working the event.

It’s also important to note NE Zine Fest’s official after party: Pretty & Nice (last show!) with Ava Luna, Krill, Infinity Girl. Crazy right? We’ll have to save that for another post. 

Here’s the day’s schedule so you can clear your own:


  12-6pm Make Your Own Zine w/ Dana Maple

  12-6pm Zine Making workshop w/ Trifecta Editions

  1-3pm InDesign & Photoshop 4 Zines w/ (emoji of Rose Parry’s face)

   2-3pm Brian Connolly comic skillshare

   4pm Papercut Zine Library workshop

   5pm Zoárd Wells Tyeklár Woodcut Printmaking demo