PREVIEW: Palm, Warehouse, Krill, Pile @ Cuisine en Locale (9/18)


In light of recent events, it is now absolutely imperative that you get yourself to Cuisine en Locale this Friday, September 18th to see Palm, Warehouse, Krill, and Pile. When Boston Hassle compiles a show this packed with local classics and up and coming talent, it’s best to take full advantage. After all, not all good music lasts forever. Sometimes even the best bands ever have to call it quits, and how will you reminisce unless you make some real memories at their last shows? Yes, I am so totally fine with Krill breaking up, and no, of course those aren’t tears running down my face.

Early in the night will be Hudson, New York’s Palm. Their noisy rock is the perfect primer for some of the local classics, all dissonant chords and whirling vocals. The band also has an album due out in early November, so this show is the perfect chance to catch a sneak preview.

Warehouse will also be there, and when they take the stage the night will take a turn for the jangly. Hailing from Atlanta, the band’s rock is largely driven by the perfectly hoarse, throaty vocals. They infuse their music with some unexpected influences, and will hopefully be playing some tunes off their debut Tesseract.

Krill, Krill, Krill until October when they will cease to exist. If you haven’t heard the sad news, Krill have announced they are at the end of their run as a band, and though their music will forever live on in our hearts, this is one of their last shows. There will only be so many chances to hear the classics from Lucky Leaves to A Distant Fist Unclenching live. Don’t miss out on the final, historical performances. No, I’m definitely not crying again!

The great bands are piling up (sorry), so it’s no surprise local staple Pile is topping off this show. Hear the band play new songs off their latest release You’re Better Than This, and take this time to reflect on the way that Boston bands inspire each other as well as us. Though these bands may not be forever and ever, we can still get out to shows and appreciate them now.