PREVIEW: Twin Foxes EP Release with Sneeze, Holiday Music, and Darklands at Middle East 1/26

Hey guys, I hope you’re doing well.

Providence’s punk/emo darlings Twin Foxes are visiting the area to play Middle East Up on Monday in celebration of their new EP, out TODAY on Disposable America and Full City Sour.  Three of the EP’s tracks are free to listen to on their bandcamp, where you can order the whole damn thing (or just pick one up at the show).

Playing in support are Sneeze, Darklands (also from Providence), and Holiday Music.

Sneeze takes the less-refined, grungier route on this show.  Chug chug chug thanks!  There’s a good connection to 90s “hard rock” bands like Stone Temple Pilots, whom I always keep on a pedestal above the rest, so it’s totally a compliment.  Check them out online and in person won’t you?

Darklands plays some punk/emo music that is well-produced and melodic.  It’s familiar and comfortable for the genre.  Would you like clean electric guitars pensively strumming until the bass drops and the distortion and phase pedal kicks in?  You got it.

Holiday Music is definitely something to check out.  Stephen Merrit-esque vocals fit well over an unpredictable assortment of tracks ranging from jazzy piano, distorted guitars, acousting strumming.  I am hesitant to compare these to any other artists because they each sound directly inspired by something else, but there is consistent enjoyment of what I’ve checked out.  It will be interesting to see what he/they bring to a live show.