For what turned out to be one of the best bills I’ve seen in a while, shop hometown heroes Speedy Ortiz, viagra 60mg hometown favorites Pile, prescription and (kind of) hometown legend Mary Timony’s new band, Ex Hex, tore the Great Scott apart with some serious shredding on the Thursday before Halloween. Given the collective heft of that lineup, I (and the ~5 other people who managed to procure tickets before the show sold out) were pretty surprised they took their show to Great Scott and not a larger venue, but thankfully they did. If you weren’t packed into the bar on that Allston corner on Friday, I took the liberty of listing out the best moments of the show for pocket-sized vicarious living endeavors.
Ex Hex cover The Real Kids with “All Kindsa Girls”, which is pretty awesome since that song is all about Boston.

Mary Timony plays the guitar on her head.

Ex Hex play through most of their debut record of flawless power pop punk (say that five times fast!), all three band members demonstrate extreme badassery in the process. Listen to that jawn here:
Speedy Ortiz open their set with a song called “Taylor Swift”, is already more topical than your Halloween costume
Speedy’s Sadie Dupuis enters as Nicki Minaj, Happy Halloween everyone.

Sadie asks how many people’s favorite band is Pile, audience hands shoot into the air because Pile is great. If you don’t listen to Pile, here’s your chance:
Sadie raps as Nicki Minaj, some of the audience is definitely fooled.

After Speedy plows through one of my favorites on the new record, “Plough,” I realize I don’t want this show to end.
I remember that they’re playing a holiday residency at Great Scott this winter (and this time, you should definitely go).