REVIEW: Superorganism @ Brighton Music Hall

Superorganism was bought to my attention via an Instagram ad; their song ‘Something For Your M.I.N.D.’ coupled with vibrant visuals grabbed my attention and got me scrolling through their Instagram page. On April 1st, the super group came to Brighton Music Hall and exuded the same vibrancy that pulled me to their Instagram a few weeks prior.

The crowd was relatively calm once doors opened; folks moseyed to and from the bar before the opener. Helena Deland glided on stage with her guitar and delivered a breathtaking set. The audience was so captivated and silent that all you could hear was the camera shutter of a photographer a few rows back. Deland left the stage and folks milled about; getting their final drinks and bathroom breaks in before Superorganism.

The lights dimmed and the band took the stage; kicking things off with ‘It’s All Good,’ the opening track on their debut record. Folks were in awe of the images projected all over the stage as well as the way singer Orono Noguch took command of the space. Superorganism played through the majority of their album with the entire crowd singing every word and vehemently flinging limbs and flipping hair to the beat. ‘And we’re not playing Something For Your M.I.N.D.’ Orono said as her and the band ran off backstage. ‘Encore’ chants began as the lights went down to set the stage for the band’s return; the crowd was definitely not leaving until they heard the song that probably introduced them to Superorganism in the first place.

Superorganism hopped back out with Orono saying ‘Just kidding, of course we’ll play Something For Your M.I.N.D.’ before launching into the song. I’m 99.99999% sure that all of Allston could hear everyone screaming the chorus. The thrill and joy that Superorganism served on their debut record came across tenfold during the live performance. Superorganism is truly a band to watch this year and beyond.

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