Romance is Boring but Los Campesinos! Aren’t

los campesinos wendy schiller

Los Campesinos! Played an all-ages show at the Paradise Rock Club on June 16th, performing the hits as well as some new stuff off their recent album All Hell. As a follower of this band for 15 years, it was encouraging to see almost as many young fans as old in the crowd. Frontman Gareth Paisey gave a shoutout to an early-career performance at beloved Allston venue Great Scott; he was met by a cheer from folks who also attended that gig (much to his surprise). Their endearing performance on Sunday was hypnotic and well-received; new tracks “kms” and “Feast of Tongues” fit in well alongside standards like “You! Me! Dancing!” and “Baby I Got the Death Rattle”. They are supported by Short Fictions on the east coast leg of their tour.

Check out all of Wendy’s photos from the show below. 

Los Campesinos and Short Fictions at the Paradise 06/16/2024