September Tarotscope: The World

Hey readers! I’m Catherine, a staff writer here at Allston Pudding. I wanted to combine my love of the Boston music scene and my practice as a tarot card reader by starting this Tarotscopes column. What are Tarotscopes? (Hopefully,) once a month I will be doing an intuitive collective tarot reading by pulling a few cards for the weeks ahead and crafting a local music playlist to compliment it. 

What is tarot and how does it work? Tarot is the practice of using a specific deck made up of 78 playing cards to receive messages about the future. Tarot cards differ from standard card decks because they include cards designed to show both large scale cosmic events and messages (the Major Arcana) and cards which reflect the struggles and triumphs of day to day life (the Minor Arcana.) The minor arcana itself is split into four suits like a regular deck of cards, except the suits in the tarot correspond to the four elements (earth, wind, fire, and air.) Contrary to tarot readers on TV and in movies the cards won’t tell you something like what color shirt your future husband will be wearing. Instead, most readers, myself included, use the cards as a tool to channel their intuition and determine how to best to prepare for the future. Read on to see the cards I pulled for September!


Cards for September

8 of Pentacles: perseverance, working towards a goal, tedium, overwhelming work

The World: balance, contentment, everything feeling right in a big cosmic way


Notable Dates: 

Virgo Season- August 23nd to September 22nd

September 14th- Full Moon in Pisces 

September 28th- New Moon in Libra 

Despite the blistering heat there’s a shift in the air as August begins to wind to a close. The hum of cicadas begins to die down and we can’t help but start to think about the change of season, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! We’re looking forward to layering, Halloween, and maybe even back to school. However, for a lot of us, fall also means catapulting into busy season. This Tarotscope asks us to focus on finding the balance between kicking butt with your work and making sure that you don’t drown yourself in projects before the month is out. 

The 8 of Pentacles reflects the beginning of the September. Hard working Virgo season will rub off and have you jumping back into work full throttle after the lazy heat of summer. But, as is always the case with Virgo the sign of service, you may be so eager to get back into the swing of things you might not fully realize what you’re committing to. Make sure that at the beginning of the month you keep an eye on what promises you’re making and how much your Google calendar is filling up. You’ll thank yourself later, especially around the New Moon in Libra on September 28th. While the 8 of Pentacles represents hard work, perseverance, and accomplishing your goals, there is a flip side of monotony. Is the figure in the card working hard or just so sucked into the rhythm of their work that they’ve forgotten to even look up from it?


Virgo and the suit of Pentacles are both associated with the sign of Earth. For those readers who may not be super familiar with astrology or tarot, all signs of the zodiac and suits of the tarot are associated with the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, (like the Hex Girls song!). Each element has certain qualities associated with it. The element of Earth corresponds to groundedness, logical thinking, and master organization. Think about all the stereotypes of Virgos being extreme neat freaks. So with all this heavy earth energy at the beginning of the month, you might start to feel burnt out on responsibility. The Full Moon in Libra, an air sign strongly associated with harmony and balance, will have you craving a weekend to yourself to sleep in late, maybe go to your favorite book store, and enjoy a chill night out with friends. The World card is the ultimate card of accomplishment, contentment, and satisfaction. Make sure that you take a step back to appreciate how far along you’ve come in your goals, both from the start of the month and since this time last year. Basically, while you’re making all your commitments to work and social engagements make sure you schedule in some time towards the Full Moon to plan your perfect Sunday and get some perspective on what all that work has been for.


Here’s a playlist of some local favorites for one of your rest activities, whether it be a walk in the park, apple picking, or hanging with your roommates.