Photo Credit: Katrina Colangelo
With the winter weather finally warming up to a seasonal May climate, everyone is itching to get outside, hear some music, catch up with friends and relax. Fortunately for all of us, Shallow Pools are here to help us ease into the summertime. Deep into a tour supporting their 2021 EP Headspace, the foursome is excited to be back on the road, playing new songs and meeting new fans. We recently got to chat with the band remote from their van in Albany, NY about their evolving sound, queer icons and the importance of being open & proud…
AP: Your new releases are a departure from previous music, is there an inspiration behind this decision? Or just a natural shift?

‘Headspace’ EP Artwork
Glynnis Brennan: Little bit of both. We loved our previous EP Spring, but didn’t like playing it live. When we focused on playing and recording songs we loved our latest EP Headspace was born.
Ali Ajemian: Everything after Headspace is similar but one step further. Now those are the songs that we’re so excited to play live.
GB: We really found something that feels like us, [previous] releases weren’t a good representation of who we are, now it’s so much more.
JG: If you listen to the singles in between the EP’s, you can hear the confusion [laughs].
AP: New bands always experience their fair share of ridiculous experiences or horror stories that you can look back on and laugh at… do any come to mind?
GB: [To her bandmates] Should I tell the bathroom story? Okay, we were playing a show in Buffalo, I needed to use the bathroom in the back and there was a security guard who said I can’t go back there. I even showed him my pass. Then he let all these guys in. So I go back up and he’s like “Oh, I thought you were just a fan.” Number 1: Just a fan?! Number 2: I showed you my pass! He let me in and ended up apologizing but weird things like that where people just assume by gender…
JG: Like, “Oh are you doing merch?” Or, “are you in the band or with the band?”
AA: On the whole it’s been pretty positive though. Hearing from fans after a show that just discovered us, or talking with people about representation. Moms coming up to us to tell us that their kid is trans and we make them feel comfortable. It’s so crazy.
AP: Seeing how two of you are dating the other two, are there any benefits or challenges from working so closely with people you’re already intimately involved with?
AA: We’ve been living together for several years and being in relationships we’ve grown to trust each other. We aren’t afraid to try new things or worry about offending anyone. We really understand each other.
Haley Senft: People always ask, “What’s it like being together all the time??” It’s nothing new at all! [laughs]
JG: Even living together, our writing process was pretty separate with each of us sending each other what we’ve been working on.
GB: Some bands aren’t good friends and like how can you even do that? It feels so foreign because we’re just this unit.

Photo Credit: Katrina Colangelo
AP: How has the tour been going so far?
JG: It’s our first tour. We’re learning a lot. Every night has been great. The bands we’re with have been super nice!
GB: I walk into everything anticipating that someone is going to be mean to me… I have a problem. But every single person we’re on tour with is just so kind. It’s awesome.
HS: The fans have also just been so nice. You never know what to expect but everyone who comes up to say “hi” has been so nice. The venues we’re playing have been so different as well. In just a little East Coast tour we’re getting a huge experience in terms of different types of venues.
JG: We’re also learning what we want. Like, oh we probably need someone to sell our merch? [laughs]
AP: As proud queer musicians yourselves, who are your queer icons?
JG: I once saw The Summer Set at Warped Tour. Their drummer, Jess Bowen, is queer and she was one of the first queer musicians I saw.
GB: We were on her podcast and showed her all of these meet and greet photos with her. We’re like, “you’re a gay icon!”, she was like, “me???”
HS: I was big into Tegan and Sara. They were huge for me.
AA: Every queer person doing their thing is a queer icon.
AP: Hard to choose, but I’d probably land on Frank Ocean or-
GB: OH! Sorry to interrupt but Lil Nas X. I would die for him. I could write a dissertation on how important he is. It’s so crazy to see him. Like I’ve cried about it, how awesome it is to see this young, gay, black man doing everything he’s doing.

“Everything is Fine” single artwork. The latest release from Shallow Pools. Streaming now!
AP: I was curious, is there a prankster within the group? Someone who’s super chill or maybe has no chill at all?
AA: I have no chill. [laughs] Like, “Okay we said we would be ready at 12, it’s 12:01 so I’m gonna be really anxious.”
GB: I’m a self-proclaimed “space cadet”. I check out all the time by accident.
AP: That must be great for the both of you.
GB: [laughs] If it weren’t for them I would be floating around. Jess likes to prank a little.
JG: A little.
AA: Haley is there. Like someone needs to drive? Do you need that packed up or set up? Haley’s there.
GB: Haley feels like a very comforting, calming Dad.
AA: Anxious Mom & Comforting Dad.
HS: Everyone else says I have no ears, because if I’m really focusing on something, then all I hear is white noise.
AP: Well that’s very much like a dad. Selective hearing.

Photo Credit: Katrina Colangelo
HS: [laughs] True. Like I got my earmuffs on.
AP: What does the next year look like for all of you?
GB: Right now, we have a few shows left on tour, ending in Jacksonville, FL then we go home.
JG: From there, we’re planning on recording some new songs. We have some songs that haven’t been released yet. Those will come out soon…
All: Very soon! Very soon…
GB: We just recently got a booking agent, so hopefully we will be touring a lot more.
AP: I hope you say “Gay” a lot when you’re in Florida…
GB: Don’t you worry! We say it every show, but I’m gonna go off! Gaygaygaygaygaygaygay. One… two… three:
All: GAY!
Shallow Pools wrap up their tour this month, but you can follow along on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter for more. Watch the new music video for their latest single “Everything is Okay” below!