Tag Archives: DIY
Bedbug Check In From Their New Home
Puppy Problems, Comfy, and Really Great at Notch Brewery
Squitch Bow Out Atop The Mountain
Number One Babe Finds a “Shaky Sense of Home” on Debut Ecstatic Function
Ecstatic Function cover by Will Jeffries by Ben Bonadies I first became aware of Number One Babe at a solo opening set at The Jungle. Alone on the stage, singer/songwriter Alex Cholewa’s delicate voice and reverbed guitar were a world unto themselves. Now with a full band behind them and a cache of new songs in tow, […]
Dino Gala Work The Angles On Their Debut EP
Gollylagging Stop To Smell The Flowers
James Felice: A Real Talent and Hometown Hero
Preview Venn Market, a New Arts Fair for Boston Musicians
INTERVIEW: The Orrs Arrive with “As If I Ever Left”
Sometimes I like to be proactive with discovering new music, but other times I prefer to sit back and let our editors pitch to us Pudding writers from the trove of emails they receive. It was on one of these occasions where an editor dropped a slack message to us with a link to a curiously named band called “The Orrs.”