Tag Archives: Film
The Unsung Importance of Music Supervisors
Vitiligo: A Racial Trauma Thriller

Vitiligo is the groundwork to a conversation that has already happened many times but has yet to sink under the skin of mainstream America. The fantasy of the film is grounded in reality – taking place in a psychological limbo that explores the reality of 2014 America’s struggle to ignore the implosion of race relations as it ricochets around our collective consciousness, online and in person. The film hits you over the head with the struggle of existing within a white dominated society as a person of color, and the mental toll it takes to be the factchecker for people who would much rather dismiss those facts with personal experience or diminish the severity of race inequality to preserve ego and the status quo.
Supportin’ The Youth: Events & Opportunities

By Lindsey Anderson Yes Fest Logo by Mithsuca Berry Looking to support the young folks of Boston? Know a young person who’s looking to showcase their art? Well you’re in luck because below you’ll find 3 opportunities to support Boston’s vibrant youth art scene this month. Check out the events below! Tell a young person! […]