BLINDED BY THE PSYCH: Boogarins & Atlantic Thrills & The Televibes & Gymshorts: 8/14, Church of Boston

by Tyler Burdwood Illegally Blind put on a great show last week and we want you to know about it. Gymshorts, winning most-punk and most-jumping, played a fluid opening set. Their fast songs were interrupted by the occasional slow-motion breakdown, which saw Sarah Greenwell switching from shriek to guttural growl. Sharp, surfy guitar leads rang […]

PREVIEW: Boston Fuzzstival 2014 at The Middle East

Boston Fuzzstival 2014 is this Saturday at The Middle East, so we asked Boston’s best psych bands to share their secret trick for a fuzz-filled set.

Bands Ask, Bands Answer: BUFU Fest Pt. 3

Part 3 of this series features Boston bands Nice Guys, Krill, Chrome Over Brass, Gangbang Gordon, and Dylan Ewen as well as the Jackson Heights-based Juan Wauters and Providence-based GYMSHORTS. Bringing things full circle at the end is BUFU’s own Ben Katzman. Warning: things may get a little weird.