Tag Archives: Made By You
Feature Video: Converse Rubber Tracks at SXSW 2015
SXSW 2015 Interview: Mother Merey & The Black Dirt

We chatted with Austin locals (and semi-locals), Mother Merey and The Black Dirt at the pop-up Rubber Tracks studio during SXSW. They told us about the chords they’re planning on learning, how they feel about Austin, and what they were working on next. Let’s get them up to Boston! Check them out below…
SXSW 2015 Interview: IAN

For the latest installment of our SXSW 2015 interviews, we spoke with former Bostonians, current LA-ers (sounds right?), IAN. We’re big fans of these guys from home, we were very sad to see them go, but psyched we got to talk with them in Austin. So without further adieu, IAN, their SX experiences, David Duchovney and some pudding.