Tyler On Demand Makes an “Impact” in the Community

Album art for Impact by Tyler on Demand
Photo By @lumierree

This summer, protests around the country sparked in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement as infuriated citizens from all corners of the United States took to the streets, signed petitions, and donated to the movement against the police brutality that people of color have long endured. Musicians also participated by donating album royalties, educating their fans on what it means to be anti-racist, and spreading awareness about police brutality. Boston rapper Tyler on Demand embodies what it means to be a local activist. From writing an entire album dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement to donating 100% of the proceeds to local organizations, T.O.D. vows to make an impact with his first full-length album.

“After [the murder of George Floyd] happened, we just wanted to use our platform to help the movement, so we thought, ‘Why don’t we just make an album and then donate all the money?’,” T.O.D says, “It was a whim thought, but I was like ‘We can still make music and impact something we care about.’” And thus Impact was born. Proceeds are going towards Black Lives Matter and the local art space Dorchester Art Project.

Finding what organizations and movements to donate to was an easy pick for Tyler. Black Lives Matter was obvious, but he also wanted to give back to the music community that had given him the platform to speak on these issues in a way that would directly benefit people of color at one of the most influential art spaces in Boston. “I went to perform at the Dorchester Art Project open mic night with a friend of mine once. Everybody of all different styles was up there and there was this nice eclectic performance list and everybody was treated with respect. I was really happy to have discovered it,” T.O.D says, “I wanted this album to have a lasting impact and give back to help foster this.” 

Tyler on Demand, moved by the protests, also wanted to voice his own experiences with racism and colorism growing up in Canada. Impact, while a lyrically complex album, has a uniquely modern sound that is commanding, catchy, and fantastically produced. The album starts out strong with “Plight of The Renegade”, an unforgettable song that will send chills down your spine about what the core of the Black Lives Matter movement is. T.O.D keeps the momentum in the album going, delivering banger after banger with “Marina” and “See You Someday” — two iconic songs that compels you to sing along with because of the captivating flow and melody. 

This album is best digested while sitting back in your bed with a clear mind and chill mood lighting. Impact is meant to be dissected, so pay close attention to the lyrics for the overt and covert meanings and themes throughout this masterfully crafted album. This album is not only an intricate piece of art, but it’s a symbol of Black Lives Matter, Boston music, and Tyler on Demand.

Impact is out now on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and SoundCloud. 100% of the proceeds are donated to Black Lives Matter and Dorchester Art Project.