WATCH: Sweet John Bloom “Blood Moon”


Sweet John Bloom hit the scene pretty hard about this time last spring, when we first took note of them after their blistering set at TT’s opening for Parquet Courts. After the show, we bought THIS and had it on heavy rotation in the office all summer. Then, we invaded their practice space down the street at studio 52 and filmed THIS. Now, the Cambridge rockers are gearing up for a big 2015 with their new record “Weird Prayer” dropping very soon on Tiny Engines. Check out their psychedelic new video for “Blood Moon”, the first track to be released from their debut LP that we are very excited for.

And make sure to check these guys out live bc they totally rip and their guitars are so frickin loud its insane.

Tour dates:
April 24 – The Gutter, Brooklyn, NY
April 26 – Middle East (Upstairs), Cambridge, MA