Zodiac Trax: April Forecasts 2016



Gemini (Ruling Planet: Mercury; Element: Air) Out of all the signs, you, Gemini, are the most communicative, on top of being the most clever. The Twins are flexible; you can adjust to any situation. Your enthusiasm for a variety of subjects makes you versatile and charming, but it’s hard for you to stay dedicated to one thing for a long time, and you tend to bite off more than you can chew. You suffer from constant FOMO, and you can’t make a decision to save your life.

With three planets turning retrograde this month (including your ruling planet), don’t be surprised if you’re feeling more introverted than usual. The only exception to this trend will come as Venus enters fiery Aries on the 5th, and a new moon occurs in the same sign on the 7th. These planetary occurrences will be your only light in the midst of a dark, challenging series of events this April, so take this opportunity to bring any new, optimistic ideas to your friends; it could pay off big time. Also on the 5th, Mercury enters Taurus (the sign before yours), and you’ll prefer to keep your ideas solitary. When the planet retrogrades on the 28th, you’ll only feel more drained, especially in social situations. You actually might approach your relationships analytically, with less emotion and more distance. This retrograde may also bring up past issues, so you’ll need to work extra hard on moving forward and letting go of any comforting crutches in the next month. Later in April, Mars also goes into retrograde in Sagittarius (your opposite in the Zodiac). For you, this means feeling defensive, picking little fights, and being too hard or too easy on your loved ones. Finding a balance may prove more difficult through May, but try to keep calm. The Sun and Venus shift into Taurus on the 19th and 29th, and these positions will keep you in the backdrop, feeling like you need to recover from all this retrograde energy. Lastly, the full moon in Scorpio on the 22nd will directly oppose the Taurean Sun, and bring up issues revolving around feeling important to those around you, either familial or work-related.

Your April Trax:

Some music that might remind you to keep your strong friendships strong, even when Mercury and Mars are in retrograde: Paris 2004 by Peter Bjorn and John, Boston band The Color and Sound’s 2014 punky pop album Peace of Mind. Or, if you just need something to recharge to, soft songs like low by Brooklyn’s yours are the only ears, along with Plastic, a soulful, subtly jazz-pop tune by Moses Sumney.

Dates to watch: 19th, 20th, 21st
Your events: Allston Pudding Presents: Ttotals, Carinae, Steep Leans & Ricecrackers @ Out Of The Blue Too, April 19th
Into It. Over It., The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die @ The Royale, April 21st
Archers of Loaf, Crooked Fingers @ Lizard Lounge, April 21st