Zodiac Trax: December Forecast 2016



Sagittarius (Ruling Planet: Jupiter; Element: Fire) Sagittarians are crazy, fun, and wild. You’re a generous friend, and always try to be straightforward. The Archer is an intellectual, passionate about philosophy and travel. But with this passionate energy, and your constant need for independence, comes a carelessness typical of most fire signs. When honest, you tend to be tactless. When ambitious, you can be impatient and inconsistent. And you are prone to taking things for granted.

You may find yourself having lots of convos– about money, love, beauty, art, and again, money– while communication planet Mercury transits Capricorn (lighting up your financial sector) and sweet Venus shifts into multi-faceted Aquarius. Keeping an open mind around this time is essential, especially with an emotional full moon in Gemini on the 13th. This full moon promotes balancing your relationships, romantic or otherwise, and that means tending to the nitty gritty details even if it hurts. Action planet Mars could provide the energy you’ll need to work out problems that surround your home and family life when it shifts into Pisces on the 19th, but be wary of Mercury retrograde, which begins the same day. Prepare for this retrograde by saving up a rainy day fund (in case of a mishap with your finances), and returning to old projects instead of taking a chance on something new. You might be exhausted by the 21st, and a Sun in Capricorn (plus a new moon in the sign days later) should ground you, and make sure that you’re stable and secure enough to enter the new year.

Your Trax: With money on your mind and your mind on that cash money, listen to something smart like Childish Gambino’s 2016 release, Awaken, My Love! If you slacked on listening to Freetown Sound, the 2016 effort from Blood Orange, now is better than never. For something a little more invigorating, try Terry Black Cat, the second album from Brooklynite Xenia Rubinos.

Dates to watch: 8th, 9th

Your events: 12/8 Downtown Boys, Dent, Funeral Cone, The Cavemen @ Mid East
12/9 Guerilla Toss, Nice Guys, Wydyde, Steep Leans @ MassArt
12/9 Major Stars, Mini Dresses @ O’Brien’s