Zodiac Trax: December Forecast 2016


Aries (Ruling Planet: Mars; Element: Fire) If you’re a typical Aries, you’re a risk-taker. You’re a fire sign, so you’re adventurous, brave, and lively — all traits that attract others to the Ram, although most find it hard to keep up. You’re always down to try new things. You impulsively take up a new projects and yet still find the time to be passionate about them. However, Aries, you can be quite arrogant, thinking that you know everything, and you tend to be insensitive, impatient and stubborn, even to the point of being confrontational. Your motto is, “Act first, ask questions later.”

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is gonna push you around this month while it enters calculated Capricorn on December 2nd, and then retrogrades on the 19th. With this planetary position, plus the Sun’s shift into Capricorn on the 21st, you might be feeling pretty confident and career-driven, but that Mercury in retrograde is really gonna make you work for it. The start of the month, while sweet Venus is in social Aquarius and a full moon appears in Gemini, is an excellent time to network and communicate. It’ll be intense (cause what full moon isn’t?), but you stand to gain some much-needed info by the end of December. You’ll get time to recharge when dreamy Pisces starts to influence action-planet Mars around the 19th, and marks the moment to hunker down by yourself and listen to your intuition. Don’t make any big decisions or put yourself in harm’s way at this point, Ram, but use the energy of the new moon in Capricorn on the 29th to reflect on your goals, and to make changes starting with the New Year.

Your Trax: You’re a bulldozer, Aries, and December won’t be any different. An album like other places by Animal Faces has a sound that’s full and hurdling enough to keep up with you. Then, with Confirmation Bias, the 2016 effort from Chicago-based Yeesh, you’ll continue moving forward. Adore Life, the 2016 album from Savages, is another post-punk effort that might suit you during this messy month.

Dates to watch: 16th, 17th

Your events: 12/16 Fur Purse, The Bikes, Lost Lake, Stace Brandt @ Midway Cafe
12/17 The Oh Hellos @ Paradise