Zodiac Trax: September Forecasts 2016



Capricorn (Ruling Planet: Saturn; Element: Earth) Another practical Earth sign, Capricorns are more calculated than most. You are also a natural goal-setter, and tend to get what you want by being sensible, patient, cautious and disciplined. The Seagoat is not a rule-breaker. And, sometimes, all this hard work can make you pessimistic, stubborn, and shy.

Jupiter tops your solar chart this month when it leaves earthy Virgo and enters magnetic Libra, meaning you too will reach new heights in terms of accomplishing goals, especially any kind of project you started 4-6 years ago. Take special care of your relationships with elders and mentors rn, cause this is the year that those relationships will successfully overlap with long-term goals, if you work for it. The lunar eclipse on the 16th in Pisces will help you realize these goals and social opportunities, while the solar eclipse in Virgo on the 1st might have you looking to the past for inspiration. The Sun and a new moon will also be in Libra this month, helping you think practically and make good impressions. Venus’s position in Scorpio won’t have you feelin’ super romantic, but Mars in Capricorn will give you the energy you need to start a 2 year-long project. But be careful– Mercury’s retrograde throughout the month may cause accidents if you get too busy, not to mention difficulties seeing the big picture.

Your September Trax: Maybe listening to a blast from the past like The Ronettes will help you get on with certain seniors in your life or spark inspiration. If you need something a little more modern, Angel Olsen is your gal, and her Sept. 2nd release My Woman is the perfect combo of modern indie rock and old-timey folk vocals. For something with more of a late-70’s/80’s spin, you might consider NYC quartet TEEN’s 2016 album, Love Yes.

Dates to watch: 19th, 20th
Your events:Against Me!, Framworks, Potty Mouth @ Royale, Sept. 19th
Diet Cig, Free Cake For Every Creature @ Middle East Up, Sept. 20th
LVL UP @ Great Scott, Sept. 20th
Lucius, JD McPherson @ HOB, Sept. 20th
Angel Olsen, Alex Cameron at The Sinclair, Sept. 20th