Zodiac Trax: September Forecasts 2016



Gemini (Ruling Planet: Mercury; Element: Air) Out of all the signs, you, Gemini, are the most communicative, on top of being the most clever. The Twins are flexible; you can adjust to any situation. Your enthusiasm for a variety of subjects makes you versatile and charming, but it’s hard for you to stay dedicated to one thing for a long time, and you tend to bite off more than you can chew. You suffer from constant FOMO, and you can’t make a decision to save your life.

The good news is that Jupiter and the Sun occur in fellow charismatic air sign Libra this month, provoking some loving, inspired, generous, and fun energy that you can use to start a creative venture and reconnect with any romantic partners. The bad news is your ruling planet, Mercury, retrogrades until the 22nd, and might cause you to lose your grip. Thankfully, both of the eclipses this month will help you focus on strengthening your emotional foundation. Not to mention, the new moon that occurs in your love sector on the 30th will be there to lighten things up. Don’t shy away from taking pleasure in the mundane, especially as the planet of love (Venus) shifts into watery Scorpio on the 23rd. If you’ve been puzzling over an issue, wait until Mars is in reliable Capricorn on the 27th to try ‘n solve it.

Your September TraxYou might need to look inward to focus on strengthening your emotional core, and there’s a lot of easy, soothing lo-fi music by LOVING to help you along with that. Or, just click play on gobbinjr’s cynical dream pop album, manalang. For something a bit folkier, Slow Club released a thing last month, and the duet’s skilled lil’ British voices are both more British and more Americana than ever.

Dates to watch: 3rd, 4th, 30th
Your events: Allston Pudding Presents: Elvis Depressedly, Teen Suicide @ ONCE, Sept. 3rd
Boston Live Band Emo/Pop-Punk Karaoke @ Mid East Up, Sept. 4th
Vundabar, The Midriffs, Bat House
 @ Brighton Music Hall, Sept. 30th
Ladyfest Boston Benefit: Wet Nurse, Halfsour, Blessed State, Second Becky @ Trixie’s Palace, Sept. 30th