Zodiac Trax: September Forecasts 2016



Leo (Ruling Planet: Sun; Element: Fire) Another energetic fire sign, you are known for your headstrong pride and dominating ego. But the Lion can also be quite affectionate, not to mention a loyal friend who demands the loyalty in return. In fact, you demand a lot of things. You can be impatient and arrogant when others won’t alter their opinions at your request, but are sensitive to anything that could wound your ego. You like to talk big game, Leo, but more often than not, you go home crying.

First things first: The solar eclipse in practical Virgo on the 1st will create vibes practically perfect for improving old ideas, especially old financial ventures. Just don’t start a new project until Mercury is out of retrograde on the 22nd. There’s also a lunar eclipse on the 16th, and it’ll be a powerful one. You should harness Pisces’ intuitiveness while the energy of the moon brings some difficult, personal issues to light. With the planet of love touring Scorpio later this month, you may crave comfort and familiarity. Lastly, the energy from Mars shifting into motivated Capricorn on the 27th, along with Jupiter, The Sun and a new moon in Libra will cause your mental energy to surge and new ideas to take hold throughout the month. My only advice: Work on opening up communication and don’t over-commit.

Your September Trax: If there’s one genre that can harness old ideas, and propel them forward, it’s vaporwave. That’s where Portland’s Macintosh Plus comes in. Of course, a vaporwave rec would be remiss without mentioning Saint Pepsi’s Gin City. But Prom King is a newer project by the artist, who now goes by Skylar Spence, and it’s a littler easier, not going too hard in any particular direction other than electronic. And keep a lookout for the Stranger Things soundtrack creators’, who go by S U R V I V E, Sept. 30th release.

Dates to watch: 8th, 9th
Your events: Awesome Allston Christmas feat. Vic Firecracker, Mercury on Mars, GASKILL, Shatner @ O’Briens, Sept. 9th
Awesome Allston Christmas feat. Crooked Horse, Mini Dresses, The Sheila Divine, Jake McKelvie & the Countertops, Minibeast, (A Band Called E ), magic magic., Eldridge Rodriguez @ Great Scott, Sept. 9th

Allston’s Awesome Christmas: The Gas Comedy Show feat. Katie McCarthy, Nick Ortolani, Emily Ruskowski, Tawanda Gona, Andrew Durso @ Great Scott, Sept. 9th
Walter Sickert & THe ARmy of BRoken TOys, Ruby Rose Fox @ The Sinclair, Sept. 9th