Allston Pudding Presents: Mean Creek, So So Glos, Earthquake Party!, Hard Nips


Nothing puts a touch of warmth in our tummies more than a banger lineup. Except, maybe, for a banger lineup with ice cream involved, but we’ll get to that.

We’re thrilled to be presenting Mean Creek at Great Scott on November 9th – with each milestone it becomes clearer why the foursome have come to represent the finest of Boston’s rock and roll. Their third full length “Local Losers” is due out on Old Flame Records on January 28th, and based on what we’ve heard (notably their latest single “Cool Town”), it’s going to shake things up.

Not only are Mean Creek one of our favorite bands, the support on this bill is beyond fantastic: The So So Glos, Earthquake Party!, and Hard Nips are filling out the night. Plus, as mentioned above, local churners Scoopsies Ice Cream (who are currently on a mission to create 100 original flavors in a year!) will be supplying the goods for an ice-cream stand.