Bands Ask, Bands Answer: BUFU Fest Pt. 2

Hurricanes of Love (Boston, MA)

frank hurricane

Jason (@bbigpigg) posed questions for Frank of Hurricanes of Love

Jason Smallwood: Who in the band deserves the biggest smack and why?

Frank Hurricane: I be the only band member and I don’t do much smack but drugs are off tha chain!

JS: What’s worse, an incompetently crappy band or one that’s merely mediocre? 

FH: I think a mediocre band is much worse, I love bad bands!

JS: Are human beings in the future going to eventually get sick of all these computer screens and consciously choose to develop a more natural, harmonious living habitat for themselves, or are we destined to disappear into the machine as some have speculated?

FH: I don’t think that computers are going to suck us in and rule us, ever! I can smash a computer but it can’t smash me!