Have A Nice Life Lead Stellar Lineup at the Dise

have a nice life donovan jermyn

On 7/21, The Paradise felt like a portal to another world, as Have a Nice Life, Planning for Burial, and Oldest Sea took the stage. The haunting visuals and palpable darkness in the venue created a perfect atmosphere for a night steeped in melancholic soundscapes and raw emotion. Have a Nice Life’s set, featured tracks from Deathconsciousness, and frontman Tim Macuga interacted with the crowd deeply situated within each song while Planning for Burial’s immersive performance and Oldest Sea’s haunting melodies added layers of intensity and introspection to the evening.

Check out all of Donovan’s photos from the show below.

Have A Nice Life, Oldest Sea, and Planning For Burial at the Paradise 07/21/2024