Last year, Seer Group hit Boston with the killer debut of OWLPINE, but went rather quiet soon after. The reason is because one of their singers, Elijah Wyman, had moved from Boston to Asheville, NC, and started another project called Decent Lovers. No worries though! Decent Lovers are awesome, AND Seer Group are still a band. That’s why it’s so radical that their first taste of new material is a remix of a new Decent Lovers single.
The track was originally called “2star,” however, Seer Group’s Jason Rozen first had the chance to remix it amidst the terrible blizzard that hit this past February. 48 hours and all that kept him occupied was wine, a snow shovel, and this single to remix. What resulted was a complete change of instrumentation, with only the vocals remaining from the original. For this reason, Rozen appropriately decided to rename their remix “Machine Shovel.” You can hear it now for the first time, right here (right click to download).
The remix will appear on Seer Group’s next album, POLAR SCARE, which could be ready as early as this fall. The remix will also end up as a B-side to the original Decent Lovers version, which you can hear below.