PREVIEW/INTERVIEW(S): Skull Pop Fest (6/23-24)


Jaw Gems

Describe yourselves!

We’re an instrumental live beat collective. 2 keyboardists, bass, and drums. We started in 2009. 

Describe your music.

Our music is very effects-heavy. Both keyboardists use Roland Junos to manipulate sounds. Everyone runs their gear through Roland SP 404s for maximum manipulation. Our bass player runs his bass through synth & distortion pedals to keep up with the sharp synths sounds of the Junos. 

We either bring in our own separate tracks to the table or we record ourselves playing in a room for a couple days and make songs through different ideas we came up with organically.

Describe your name!

The origin of the name comes from grills. We first got together to play a weekly gig at a restaurant and we covered lots of songs from our favorite hip hop artists like the Game & Wu Tang. One day we were talking about their grills and JAW GEMS just came out so it stuck.