A Night of Metamorphosis with Infinity Song Infinity Song are embarking on their Metamorphosis World Tour, and Samantha Davidson swung by the band’s set at Cafe 939 the other evening.
Activity talks “Text the Dead” and their long-awaited first tour Travis Johnson of Activity talks about the band’s new single “Text the Dead” and previews their upcoming tour, which stops at Cafe 939 on October 8th, 2021.
Duo DOMi and JD Beck Pack Cafe 939 Jazz and contemporary genre fusion duo DOMi and JD Beck packed the Berklee College of Music’s Red Room at Cafe 939 for a sold out show.
Weakened Friends Lead Berklee Alumni Billing at the Red Room at Cafe 939 Weakened Friends played the Red Room at Cafe 939 alongside current and former Berklee College of Music students Mom Rock and Lady Pills.
SHOW PREVIEW: Elliot Taylor @ the Red Room on 7/22 New to Boston and ready to share his beautifully textured tunes, Elliot Taylor is hitting up Berklee this weekend.
TRACK PREMIERE: The Solars – “Potter’s Field / Dockery” The Solars release an airy new track before their free show at Café 939 on 4/20.
Bands Ask, Bands Answer: Bat House, Sports and Floral Bands ask, bands answer with Bat House, Sports and Floral, who are all playing this Friday at Cafe 939 at Berklee.
Review: Julien Baker @ The Red Room On the night of Boston’s first snowstorm, Baker captivated a sold out crowd.
PREVIEW: Amy & The Engine @ The Red Room Don’t miss Amy & The Engine’s FREE show at The Red Room tomorrow night!